
Spotting the Signs

Spotting the Signs of Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting can manifest through subtle behavioural changes, therefore it isn’t always easy to be able to spot them early on. Here are some signs that should should want to look out for in the workplace:

An employee who was once productive and efficient may start showing a decline in their work output. They might take longer to complete tasks or fail to meet deadlines.

An increase in unplanned absences, such as sick days or personal days, could be a sign of disengagement. Quiet quitters might try to distance themselves physically from the workplace.

An employee who was once productive and efficient may start showing a decline in their work output. They might take longer to complete tasks or fail to meet deadlines.

If an employee was previously a strong team player but has started to isolate themselves and avoid collaboration, it could be a sign of their disengagement from the team and the organisation.

Employees who are quietly quitting might avoid social gatherings, team meetings, or other group activities that they used to participate in.

Communication frequency and quality may drop. Quiet quitters might refrain from sharing ideas, updates, or concerns with their team or supervisors.

Previously proactive employees might stop taking initiatives or making suggestions for improvements. This lack of proactive behavior can signal their disengagement.

If an employee stops seeking opportunities for skill development, training, or advancement, it could be indicative of their waning commitment to the organization.

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